Thursday, December 20, 2012

The olden golden days

Was taking one of those "flash back" moments on facebook today, you know, when you look at pictures from like 4 years ago.. Well I ran into this video. Really remind me of how bad a dirt jumper I was. Pretty much the said reason I took up XC racing. And why I'm a helluva lot better off not making jumps...

*that scream...*

Watch this next one I put together a few years back. LOL I was better at riding children's bikes. Although this is the second edit, its much shorter and more bearable. Here is the original video for you folks that are mildly entertained.

More Mountain Bike Videos on Pinkbike

Anyhow, I still have my trusty little 12in hot rock. I'm sure my father would like it out of the garage, but thats like the sickest little bike ever. I still ride it on occasion. I think it would be amazing to give to my first child too. You know, to be all like, "Your father road this bike, ride with honor kid". I don't know. In fact, Ill probably have some custom, independent fab frame, custon I9 12in wheels, and little 40mm disk brakes for my kids bike. That would be like the ultimate shizz. All the other kids in the neighborhood would be so jelly.  And he would learn to ride clipless before he even got to kintergarden. When races hold those free one lap kids race, I'd so be "that dad" who give his son hammerjell shots and makes sure his kid lines up first and all. Make sure he wins by at least like half the time it takes most the kids.

If my kid doesn't like to ride bikes im going to shoot myself no kidding.

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